Friday, February 5, 2010

Minor Freak Out

I have been feeling a little under the weather the last few days, although the nausea has long passed and the throwing up has been infrequent, it is difficult to say if the way I've been feeling is pregnancy related or just regular, run of the mill sickness. I have been crazy tired and I know that being tired is a common side effect of pregnancy but I had sort of leveled out for a few weeks before I was hit with this tiredness. Last night I came home and had something to eat which quickly came up. I then decided to take my temperature and it showed that I had a minor fever which took me into a major freak out.

This involved looking up pregnancy and fevers and reading about possible concerns. I then made a late night call to my brother-in-law in Toronto who has recently graduated from medical school. He was too kind and patient with me. He put my mind and heart at ease and by the time I got off the phone I felt a million times better. I also retook my temperature to discovery that it was normal, I have taken it about ten times in the last twelve hours and it's been normal each time since.

Although I realize that I overreacted last night to my 'fever' the experience my showed me that the love I have for my unborn child runs deeper then I ever imagined. The thought now of anything going wrong actually breaks my heart. There is nothing I want more now then this child to grow safely inside me and be born happy and healthy this summer. I talk to my belly already, telling it how my I love it. I love this baby and I want this baby more then I've ever loved or wanted anything.

I'm home sick from work today, resting and drinking plenty of fluids. I think I slept most of the day away so I guess my body needed it. I am determined to do everything that I can to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. I will take care of myself and give my body what it asks for, even if it is twelve hours of sleep. I will also continue to talk to my baby, send it my love and all the positive, happy energy I have.

I guess I'm learning all about the love and fear that comes with parenthood, it's overwhelming and wonderful.

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